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Video Updates
…keeping you informed…
February 2025 Video Update
Here’s a quick update from Rob and Shini Abraham on our international retreats…
January 2025 Video Update
It’s easy to roll from one year right into the next, but we want to pause and say THANK YOU . . .
December 2024 Video Update
Merry Christmas from Giles and Angel and all of us at SonScape Retreats!
October 2024 Video Update
Meet Rick Cleaver. He is one of our board members and now a recent alumnus . . .
August 2024 Video Update
Please pray for Giles and Angel Armstrong as they take a sabbatical this fall.
June 2024 Video Update
Kent and Cynthia Slyter share about their experiences of hosting at SonScape Retreats . . .
…our newsletters…
Spring Update 2025
Reasons to Rejoice
In Deuteronomy 16, we see God’s call to come and celebrate. It is interesting to note that God had to tell His people to celebrate, it’s not our natural default. Many of us get caught up in complaining instead of choosing to celebrate.
Fall Update 2024
Our 40-Year Journey
A few weeks ago, Giles Armstrong asked if I would write the lead article for this Fall Update. I was more than willing as Giles and Angel are currently away enjoying a much deserved and much needed sabbatical . . .
Spring Update 2024
Reflecting on God’s Faithfulness
As I write this, Angel and I are preparing to start another retreat where we are privileged to have a front row seat to watch God work in the lives of His people. In the first retreat of the year, God did amazing things. He didn’t change . . .
Fall Update 2023
How Do You Define Success?
A parishioner recently asked me, “Why do so many in ministry experience discouragement, depression, disillusionment, and burn out?” While there are many reasons, I think one of the least talked about is a word our world . . .
Spring Update 2023
Time at the Feet of Jesus
One of the best parts of a SonScape retreat for our guests is time to be with Jesus. Unfortunately, many in ministry get so busy doing things for Jesus that they have little time to be with Jesus. But this is not a new phenomenon . . .
Fall Update 2022
On the Seventh Day He Rested . . .
This has been a year of blessing. Not only have we seen so many full retreats and many stories of transformation, but we are seeing new opportunities for ministry. Starting in 2023, we will be offering SonScape retreats in Spanish . . .
…devotional thoughts from our retreat leaders…
Wonderful, Life-Giving Water
Everything is beautiful! The native grasses around our home are tall and green. There are wild flowers everywhere . . .
Busyness to Balanced
Work has always been valuable to me. As I child I remember watching my mom working hard to raise her four children and . . .
Wise Questions and Sincere Listening
Most of us are better at telling than asking questions. For the first half of my ministry, my primary responsibility as lead pastor . . .
An Unexpected Message
In March 2020, Colombia entered a strict quarantine that lasted five months. Together with my husband, most of our ministry work . . .
A Clear View
About ten years ago I decided that if I cut down a few trees on the west side of our property I could open a pretty good view of the . . .
Seasons+Changes in God’s Plan for Us
I have so much still to learn about myself, about biblical rest and about God’s desire for me. As Barbara and I face the need to reduce our . . .
Transformed Lives
…testimonies from our alumni…
A Transformational Week
We came to SonScape in a pretty healthy state, almost wondering if we “needed” to come at all. Yet, even as the wind roused the symphony of sound all around us . . .
What a week away can do . . .
SonScape Retreats offers the perfect balance between teaching, interaction with others, reflection, play, and time for silence and solitude. It’s amazing what God does . . .
The Importance of Rest
As a pastor, I “know” the importance of rest; but like most in ministry, knowledge does not always make its way into real life. This retreat transformed my view . . .
Embraced. Loved. Challenged. Encouraged. Inspired.
Grace and I have been the founders and directors of a ministry for 17 years. Along the way we did a lot of things well but we also made a lot of . . .
How could God let this happen to me?
When I arrived at SonScape, I was very spiritually and emotionally broken. So many things with ministry and my family had happened over the past couple of years that I was on the brink . . .
Much Needed Conversations
My wife and I had much needed conversations during the week that we had not engaged in during our 18 years of marriage. I have such a deep sense . . .
Other Interesting Info
…articles, videos, etc. from like-minded folks…
Celebrating the Life and Legacy of Ravi Zacharias
Growing up in India, the Abrahams share similar roots to Ravi. Though not blood relatives, Ravi and Shini’s dad were closer than brothers and served together. Shini grew up hearing their laughter . . .
Message by Brennan Manning
MidWinter Conference | 01.30.06 | Hyatt Regency O'Hare, Rosemont IL (Used with permission.)
An Incredible Resource . . . Pastors Are People Too
Want to help your pastor? Want to understand his/her world? Everything you need is in the book Pastors are People Too by Larry Magnuson and Jimmy Dodd.
Just Breathe
by Jonny Diaz | jonnydiaz.com | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnjeMwxFuBA
5 Top Reasons Pastors Quit
http://www.religionnews.com/2016/01/12/conflict-burnout-among-top-reasons-pastors-quit/Sometimes a call from God is not enough to keep a pastor in his post.