How Do You Define Success?

by Giles Armstrong | President


A parishioner recently asked me, “Why do so many in ministry experience discouragement, depression, disillusionment, and burn out?” While there are many reasons, I think one of the least talked about is a word our world seeks after and celebrates: success. We all want to be successful; from doctors and lawyers to brick layers and ministry leaders. After all, I have not met anyone who went into ministry seeking to fail, yet many do. Statistics show that for every ten pastors who go into ministry, only one retires from the ministry. That’s a 90% burn out rate.

Over the last 40 years, we have tracked those who have attended one of our retreats and 90% are either still in ministry or have retired from ministry. That’s a 180 degree turn around! Instead of 90% burning out, 90% are still serving. We believe that’s because at SonScape Retreats they discovered healthy rhythms for doing life and ministry that are connected to walking with Jesus, not just working for Jesus.

This includes a healthy view of success. What if our disillusionment and discouragement is tied to how we have been defining success? Often we look to numbers: how much was given and how many came, the size of the ministry and the staff, the list could go on. While numbers are not a bad thing, I wonder if it would be better to consider the words of Jesus found in Matthew 25:23, “Well done, good and faithful servant!” Notice Jesus says well done good and faithful not fruitful servant. We all want to be fruitful, but what if fruit is the byproduct of faithfulness? What if we are so busy chasing after the byproduct that we are bypassing the vehicle of faithfulness that gets us to the fruit? When we don’t see the fruit, we fall victims to discouragement and depression.

We can start to believe “if I serve hard enough and love deep enough ministry will go well.” Where does it say in the Bible that ministry will go well. Paul was successful but his churches were a mess at times. When Jesus hung on the cross, His ministry looked like a failure. At that point, counting numbers would have just been depressing. I know this, faithful servants are fruitful servants. What if we focused on being faithful and left the fruitful to God?

So how do you help your pastors and missionaries succeed? Join them in being faithful. Love their families with grace and kindness. Treat them like a present not a piñata. Put them on a prayer list not a pedestal. Care for them like human beings not human doings. Pastor appreciation is coming in October; be creative and look for ways to say thank you. This year we have seen an increase in the number of ministers who are deeply hurting and have noticed a big increase in the depth of counseling needed. Over and over we have heard the words, “I am so thankful that there is a place where we can come and find rest and healing, where there are people who care, understand and mentor our hearts.”

Because of your serving, giving, and praying, next year SonScape Retreats will be celebrating 40 years of helping to reignite the passion of those in ministry. Thank you so much for your faithfulness.



Challenges of an International Retreat

by Rob and Shini Abraham | International Retreat Leaders


Earlier this year we held our first retreat in a restricted country. Imagine the challenges: dealing with many unknown and changing factors including difficulty in finding housing and space for sessions, sourcing adequate amounts of food, working in an economy where paying for things was simply not straightforward or modernized, needing to stay flexible and move from one venue to the next at short notice, to name a few.

We stayed in simple AirBnB-style rooms hosted by locals. We walked to a small church for our group sessions. We also walked to a restaurant in a touristy area for simple meals. In 100 degree Fahrenheit weather and 95% humidity! The uncomfortable benches we sat on during sessions, the rain that leaked into the room we gathered in, the day one of the pastors passed out from the heat, the mystery meats we ate, etc. could not stop God from doing what He faithfully does in every SonScape retreat – meet everyone exactly here they are at and bring deep encouragement and transformation that leads to life-change! The retreat meant everything to our guests. Pastors and missionaries arrived exhausted and eager to rest and to learn about how to thrive in the midst of the busyness of life and ministry.

The group sessions were times of learning much together. The teachings proved relatable and powerful even in their very different contexts. Personal sessions offered trustworthy safe spaces for processing – a rarity in this particular nation. Meal times were deeply emotional times as guests tasted foods they hadn’t seen in years. The communion service towards the end of the retreat was a powerful time of commitment and submission to God’s work in each heart and life.

We learned much about what ministry looks like in a restricted country, of the impact of restrictions and persecution on the church, the courage and faith of pastors and missionaries that persevere faithfully against the odds…and we were inspired. It was a profound blessing to serve our guests – to listen to their stories, to highlight the importance of rest and self-care as a part of God’s heart for them, to offer them encouragement and prayer. Most had action plans in place at the end of the retreat that would help continue the transformation God had begun in their hearts during the retreat. “I need to slow down and live my life like I believe ministry truly belongs to God and not to me!” was something we heard often.

“We never could have ever imagined the encouragement we would receive from God this week! He has overwhelmed us with his love and care,” said one guest. “Thank you for caring about a forgotten or ignored part of the world and for refreshing us with so much love and respect.”



The SonScape Experience

by SonScape Alumni

Chris Taylor

My first day here I read a scripture that simply stated “He restores my soul.” That is exactly what Christ did through SonScape. In every way, I feel restored, rested, and maybe more loved than I ever have!

Cait Taylor

My time at SonScape can easily be summed up into just pure and complete rest. I don’t think in my 33 years of life that I’ve had the kind of rest I’ve experienced this week. Physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental rest. Rest in Jesus, rest in beauty, and just the simple reminder that rest is a gift that we always have available to us, we just simply have to open it.


Zack Working

When I came to SonScape I was exhausted and felt lost. All I knew to do was keep pushing but even I knew that wasn’t healthy for me or anyone around and it wouldn’t last. Giles and Angel helped me discover the root of my exhaustion and guided me along a path to discover who God had created me to be. With their help and the conversations as a group, I was able to formulate a strategy to overcome my exhaustion and establish healthy boundaries in my life. Because of my time here, and people like Giles and Angel, I feel renewed and excited to begin a new season of life and ministry.

Carla Working

I thought I was coming to SonScape for a getaway. I knew there would be time for “lessons” but I assumed it would be like listening to sermons. My experience here has been much more than I expected. I reconnected with God by having time in the retreat schedule for silence and solitude. I reconnected with God by learning about myself and how He wants to use the personality He gave me. As I got in touch with the real me, I was able to connect with my Creator in a renewed way. The gentle guiding of the retreat leaders spoke to my heart. I was reminded that I was created for more than what I have allowed myself to experience. My ministry and family struggles have not disappeared, but I now have more tools to work with so I can be true to who God made to be. This week both refreshed me and challenged me.


Our 2023 SonScape Team


In August our U.S. staff gathered for our annual staff retreat. It was a wonderful time of fellowship, laughter, dreaming, and prayer. Unfortunately, John and Becci Wood could not join us due to an unexpected death in their extended family. They were missed! 

What an incredible staff we have been blessed with! Giles and Angel did a wonderful job leading us in the retreat. Below are pictures of our 2023 staff from the retreat, a picture of John and Becci from one of their recent retreats, pictures of our South America team, and a list of the staff contact email addresses.


SonScape Team at August Staff Retreat


John and Becci Wood


Hernán and Mariela Arango


Félix and Yury Méndez


Julio and Emily Peña


Our Contact Emails


Giles and Angel Armstrong
President, Program Director, Retreat Leaders | |

Larry Magnuson
President Emeritus |

Rob and Shini Abraham
Retreat Leaders | |

Ken and Sandy Moore
Retreat Leaders | |

John and Becci Wood
Retreat Leaders | |

Becky VanHook
Retreat Coordinator |

Perry Meyer
Operations |

Jeanien Meyer
Administrative Support |

Colombia Team
Retreat Leaders and Support Staff |