by Larry Magnuson

I really did not have time to throw stones!

Relationships are at the very heart of life! God himself is a relationship – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We were created to live in relationship with God and with each other. But relationships take time, energy, and risk.

A relationship can bring great joy to our lives, but they can also inflict great pain. Relationships are complex and often difficult. While it may not be easy to accomplish a goal or complete a task, rarely do they compare in time and energy to beginning or maintaining a relationship. We all know the pain that comes when a relationship we deeply value is damaged or even comes to an end. I wonder what God felt when we turned our back on Him? The creation rejecting the Creator.

A little over a week ago my youngest daughter was married. It was the beginning of a new relationship. But it was even more. It was a day of relationships as friends and relatives came together to celebrate. As the father of the bride and the pastor conducting the ceremony, there was a lot on my plate. There were things that had to get done. In some ways those things began to take precedence over my relationships. It happens so easily. Then I saw my granddaughter.

Alexis is almost 5 years old. She was a flower girl in the wedding. For whatever reason, she was having a hard time. She had moved off away from everyone and was sitting on the ground – sad or hurt. Whatever the cause, she caught my eye. I went over and sat down beside her. We threw stones and talked. Nothing major but it helped her.

As I grow in years, I realize there are people that matter deeply to me. Unfortunately it is so easy to neglect them because of all the things that need to get done. We mattered enough to God that He left His glory and came in search of us. He gave His life to offer us a restored relationship. At it’s core, SonScape Retreats is about reminding church leaders that relationships matter.  

Who matters to you? Spouse, children, grandchildren, friends, co-workers . . . who? Are you investing time in them? With them? Do they matter more than things that need to be done?

Maybe we need to take some time and throw some stones with someone we love!