
To be genuinely and authentically cared for as a leader is rare and that’s exactly what we experienced at SonScape. The insight and teaching were exceptional, but the way they are shared makes them life changing.
You hit the ball out of the park – way out!
We knew it was going to be a special week at SonScape Retreats, but the blessings were more than we could have imagined. We discussed how we needed to slow down and then were offered lots of space to do just that.

I highly recommend SonScape Retreats to any ministry couple who desires to be refreshed and encouraged in the long-marathon of local church ministry. This is a premier retreat ministry which has focused for the past 30 years in pastor-spouse care and encouragement.
At SonScape I regained perspective and orientation. Long-term fatigue and recent tramatic stress left me in a hopeless, reactive, and fearful place. I understand better how I was made, what makes my thrive, and how I can help others. Due to a father wound, I had become controlling. As simple as it sounds, I leave SonScape with a renewed sense that God loves me. And from this gift I have both security and boldness. Thank you for your ministry! We shall return.
In the midst of ministry challenges and spiritual battles in Washington, D.C., we were able to attend a SonScape retreat. Looking back, that week changed our ministry and marriage forever. Our ministry journey has taken us from pastoral ministry to educational ministry and now to denominational leadership. We continue to champion SonScape Retreats. Our one encouragement to others: Go to SonScape before you need to! This ministry is unbelievably helpful to even the healthiest relationships.

This morning I woke up wanting to read Scripture and spending time with God. That had not happened in a long time. I needed the space and time that SonScape gave to reconnect with God’s love for me. SonScape gave me my relationship with God back.
I came needing refreshment, renewal, and perhaps a different perspective – I gained all 3. Most profound for me was the reminder and assurance that I know who God is, I know who I am, and in that my heart can find rest.
My wife and I came into the Wilderness tired, broken, and spent. The scales fell from our eyes almost as soon as we drove into SonScape. We have learned so much and discovered vital blind spots in our own walk with Christ. When Moses walked out of the wilderness, slaves were freed. I see the same happening with us! Thank you, SonScape, for our “Burning Bush” experience. It will never be forgotten.

This retreat was life changing! I was able to let God replace my negative self talk with truth. I came feeling hopeless, like I was in a dark hole and couldn’t get out. Now I am excited for the future. God is changing me and has great plans for my life. We are hopeful and excited to return to our ministry with a renewed sense of God’s calling on our lives and practical tools to take back with us.
After serving in Brazil for 25 years, I had the opportunity to attend a SonScape retreat. They helped guide me out of the desert and toward a deeper relationship with Christ. At SonScape I was reminded of my value in Christ and the ability to completely rest. I realized that He is not finished with me: “Greater things are yet to come.” The week at SonScape was truly life-altering. I have a renewed vision and trust in His plans for my present and future.
During our week at SonScape, God gave us breakthroughs in our lives because we were in an atmosphere of love and acceptance. We were able to really rest. In our times of silence and solitude with the Lord, wounded places in our hearts were healed. We were also amazed at the new insights we gained about teams and their functions and dynamics. When we returned to Tanzania, we were able to apply these new insights to make for a better ministry team.

For those of us in ministry, it is very difficult to find a place where we have the confidence that it is a safe place. I found in SonScape not only a safe place but retreat leaders who had the spiritual insight and depth to peel away the layers and get to the root of the issue. I am so thankful for this ministry and will be referring others to attend.
This place has possibly saved my life! My wife and I have been in the trenches for 12 years and had picked up a lot of bad patterns. SonScape Retreats was so transformational that I will look back at this moment as the moment that changed everything. Thank you!!!