God is at work!

by Giles Armstrong | President


As we look to this new year, many of us hoped that Covid would be behind us and we could all return to normal. But what do we really mean by normal? I think we mean the way things used to be, but if there is one thing I have learned in this life it is that things change. I am thankful in this life of constant change that we serve a stable God who doesn’t change. Aren’t you thankful in this constantly changing world that we have an unchangeable God? As Psalm 90:2 reminds us, “Before the mountains were born, before you gave birth to the earth and the world, from beginning to end, you are God.”

As I write this, I can see the majestic Rocky Mountains and, even though they seem impervious to change, I know they are slowly eroding away. But this is not so with the God that we serve. Not only does He know the future but He is in charge of that future. When God called Angel and I to SonScape in the fall of 2019, little did we know how much not only our lives but the world around us would change. Yet God has been faithful; and in the last two and a half years we have been here, we have seen over 75 new supporters, along with new host couples and prayer partners joining the ministry. We are so encouraged as we see so many new people coming alongside to serve and support the ministry of SonScape. In the middle of a pandemic, God is growing the ministry and reach of SonScape to encourage more and more ministry leaders.

Recently we had the privilege of starting the training for a staff couple from Life Action Ministry in Michigan so that they will be able to do retreats for pastors. Angel and I will also be leading a SonScape retreat there in Michigan in September to see if that will be a good place to minister to those in ministry.

The need for those in ministry to receive life-giving soul care has always been great and this pandemic has only increased it. Angel and I feel privileged to continue meeting that need not only through SonScape but also through training other ministries as Larry and Barbra Magnuson have modeled as they trained the staff of Focus Canada in the past.

Not only is God at work here in the US but also internationally. God has been working in our international retreats as we continue to minister to pastors and missionaries around the world. As I write this, Rob and Shini Abraham are leading a retreat in India. Please pray as we seek to encourage those in ministry throughout the world.

One of the things that has been on my heart has been Spanish-speaking ministries in the US. Would you join us in prayer as we seek to launch Spanish-speaking retreats in the US? There is a great need in this area. We already have all the material translated into Spanish along with an amazing couple from our Colombia team who recently moved back to the US (Julio and Emily Peña, see introduction below). Please join us in praying for retreat locations along with the finances needed to meet this need.

Another exciting possibility is expanding our retreats in Texas. As many of you know, the ministry of SonScape was born out of Texas as Bob and Sandy Sewell experienced burnout while pastoring in the Dallas area. This caused them to search for a place of rest and restoration which ultimately lead to the creation of SonScape. This spring Angel and I will be leading SonScape’s second retreat in Texas. After the retreat we will be looking at a second possible location to lead retreats in Texas.

God is growing the ministry and we want you to be encouraged that in these uncertain times we can rest in an unchangable God. This is what so many of the guests that come to SonScape experience. In the midst of the turmoil and uncertainty, as they sit with God in the silence, they hear His reassuring voice “I am enough.”


Thank you for supporting this ministry and creating a place for people to be reminded of God’s love and faithfulness.


Meet Julio and Emily Peña


Julio and Emily have been part of the SonScape team working in Colombia for the past several years. They have served in a variety of roles from administrative work to translating during retreats. Recently they moved to the United States and Julio started seminary. While continuing to work with our retreats in Colombia, they will also begin to play a crucial role in our new Spanish-speaking retreats here in the States. Emily and Julio presently live in North Carolina with their high school age son, Jorge.




A glimpse into the difficulties of international retreats . . .


Below is our staff interacting with Rob and Shini Abraham the day before their retreat in India began. It shows both the frustrations and obstacles as well as God’s amazing hand in it all. 



Hi all! Hope you are all well in CO! We’re preparing for the retreat that begins tomorrow. It’s been challenge after challenge to get to this point (venue challenges, 2 couples almost dropping out at the very last minute, Covid regulations, etc.) but this is happening and we are very excited! Thank you for all your prayers!


So exciting!! Continued prayers for your retreat!


Amazing!! Love you guys, lifting you up!!


Glad it’s still going to happen!


Super excited for your retreat! Thanks for being faithful!



Wrote too soon!!!!!! We just had to change the retreat to a different venue one day before the retreat starts! Long story! Long day! But praise God we have everything in place for tomorrow in a different venue. Talk about last minute changes. Whew!!! So grateful Rob is a Perceiving type!


We love you guys. Know that we’re praying hard for you.


Thank you SO much!


Oh my! Thankful you were able to find a new venue last minute. I can’t wait to hear how God works in this retreat!


Rob and Shini, you are amazing! I’m a perceiver and I would have an ulcer the size of a baseball if I dealt with all you have happening. I continue to pray for you daily and can’t wait to hear about the retreat and travels. You are dearly loved!


Can you imagine – changing the entire retreat venue and 12 hours before everyone arrives? Guests are already traveling! Not fun even for a P!


Larry, I’m a Judging type so that ulcer the size of a baseball is real for me! Today was a live demo of how J and P preferences work. Thank you for all your love and prayers. Praying guests are deeply blessed . . .


Oh my goodness, I can’t even imagine that!


Great first day! Praising God! Thank you all for praying!





The SonScape Experience

by SonScape Alumni


Andrew Mansmith

I came into this week just beginning to heal from burnout after the last three years of spiritual abuse and performance-based ministry. I was taught to numb my feelings (especially the “negative” ones) and, in the process, dissolved my passion and empathy. At SonScape, we were given a perfect amount of transformative leading and counseling as well as time to reflect and enjoy the beauty of the mountains. My empathy, passion, and pursuit of God was reawakened here. My wife and I both agreed that this retreat would be a time we’d look back on decades down the road and say that’s when God redirected our hearts back to His heart.

Marissa Mansmith

Before coming to SonScape, I didn’t feel safe with God because of my past experience with spiritual abuse. Angel and Giles provided grace, safety, and pastoral care that nurtured my heart into a fresh connection with God. I was finally able to separate the abusive experience from the character of God himself . . . and I’m so grateful.


Paul Anderson

After 30 years in ministry, we are in the midst of ministry/work and family transitions. We came to SonScape wanting to reflect on the past, understand our current situation/circumstances, and seek God’s confirmation as we step into new ministry and life situations. Our time at SonScape was just exactly what we needed: reflective, restorative, educational, affirming, and encouraging. We leave with clarity and are rested and recharged for the years ahead. Thank you to our leaders, our hosts, SonScape, and supporters who made this possible for us. What a tremendous blessing!

Melinda Anderson

I came to SonScape exhausted. I needed time of connection with my husband, let alone time to rest. We are in the midst of transition from one ministry to another for each of us and a geographic relocation (which involves transition to a new church home as well). What I gained most from SonScape was in seeing the gift of restful rhythms and finding meaning in losses and suffering – all through different ways of teaching and Godly perspectives. It was not radically new information but being away from life’s noise with new Godly perspectives is what will make a difference going forward. SonScape was exactly what we needed!!