Our International Retreat Leaders


Upcoming Retreats

3-9 Mar (de marzo) - Pereira
25 Apr (de abril - 1 de mayo) - Medellín
20-26 Jun (de junio) - Medellín
15-21 Aug (de agosto) - Medellín
1-7 Sep (de septiembre) - Pereira
17-23 Oct (de octubre) - Medellín

Cost: COP 1.200.000 por persona
(US$600 per couple | US$300 per person)

SPECIAL OFFER 10 for 10 ¡OFERTA 10 por 10!
Celebrating 10 yrs in Latin America!
¡Celebramos 10 años en Latinoamérica!

10% discount for registering 10 weeks before a retreat.
10% de descuento para quienes se registren 10 semanas o más antes de un retiro. 

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Spanish Retreat: 31 Oct - 6 Nov 2025
Antigua, Guatemala

Cost : GTQ 4600 (US$600) per couple

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Spanish Retreat: 22-28 May 2025
Cabo San Lucas, Mexico


MXN 18,000 (US$900) per couple.
MXN 9,000 (US$450) per single.

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Rob & Shini Abraham

In 2015 SonScape Retreats launched the international arm of our ministry. Under the leadership of Rob and Shini Abraham, retreats were first held in Colombia and Argentina. Latin America is now the largest missionary sending continent and doors have since opened for annual return trips to Latin America for regular retreats and training.

While including western missionaries serving abroad, Rob and Shini focus much of their efforts on the several often forgotten missionaries and pastors that God is raising from Asia, Europe, Africa, and South America. Many of these “forgotten” missionaries and pastors have little if any support systems, resources, and soul-care training opportunities in their nations.

We are very excited to send the loving care and encouragement of SonScape Retreats to people who so desperately need to know someone cares!

With retreats successfully held in Colombia, Argentina, Brazil, Guatemala, Mexico and India, we are also considering invitations to SE Asia & the Middle East. If you would like to help us bring retreats to your region, please email us. 

ENG | More on our International Retreats

ESP | Más en Español (Retiros en América Latina)

POR | Mais em Português (Retiros na América Latina)

Give to International Retreat Scholarships

Each year more and more missionaries and pastors burn out with the pressures they face internationally and cross-culturally. If you would like to help these missionaries, pastors, and cross-cultural workers serving faithfully in other parts of the world (where such soul-care resources are unavailable), please consider giving generously. Your gifts will go a long way in helping them go the distance.

It was a time of deep transformation for us. We could barely stand when we came to the retreat last year because we were so beat up. We thank God for showing us the way forward and for encouraging us to stay in ministry.

God is truly intentional. He brought me and my wife to this retreat because he loves us deeply. Our retreat leaders were were excellent at taking time not only to listen to me, but also to remind us of the grace of God in us and give us advice that can help us improve our lives, marriage, and ministry. It was liberating to open our hearts without fear of being judged.

We came to the retreat with plans to give up on ministry but left strengthened and encouraged to continue in our calling.

I came burned out and at the end of my rope. It was a healing time for me. I got the most out of the personal sessions with my retreat leaders who were a huge blessing to me. I appreciated having safe space to share what’s been going on; to be prayed for and encouraged to live in the fullness of who God has created me to be; to live in the fullness of who He created me to be WITHOUT guilt. 

Our marriage had faced difficult challenges and we were broken. The retreat was a time for us to recommit to one another and to get past some barriers that were preventing us in moving forward. We now serve from a place of better health and want to multiply health in all that we do.

I understood my struggle with depression and was able to make decisions that have helped bring real change in my life. It was helpful to see that I am not alone, that many in missions struggle with depression and anxiety, that God is always able to provide fully for us in the midst of our challenges.

This retreat was definitely like an indispensable portion of oxygen to me! I came knowing I was drowning and dying in my soul, struggling with depression. I have a new beginning now and God’s grace to continue living and growing in this freedom.

In working with severely wounded people, I had ignored my own wounds over the years and was actually multiplying a lack of trust, bitterness, and control in the work I did! Wow – God showed me this so clearly and helped me change the direction of my life. It was not easy but I was able to face my pain and confront my issues. I am grateful for the week!

Request Info on Spanish Retreats

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Request Info on International Retreats

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