by Larry Magnuson


I’m not big on New Year’s resolutions because they are usually our decisions about what needs to change in our lives. The problem is they are all about us. God gets left out of the picture completely. What I am for is a regular pattern of coming away to a quiet place with Jesus to rest and listen. Time that prepares our hearts to hear what Jesus wants to say about change in us.

Today I am sitting on a quiet porch in Florida where Barbara and I have been resting for the last three days. We have spent time with each other and with the Lord. It is interesting how when you rest you realize how tired you really are. The Holy Spirit is beginning to reveal some things He wants to do in us and through us as we enter into the next phase of our lives. I realize again how much the quiet times are needed in our lives. They are the birth place of effective ministry.

God spoke to Elijah in the still small voice as he sat in the wilderness. When the disciples returned from their first experience in ministry where “there was so much coming and going they didn’t even have time to eat,” Jesus called them to come away with him to a quiet place and rest. There were things He wanted to say and they needed to hear. The same is true for us. The Holy Spirit has words for us. Words we need to hear. But we have to slow our pace and prepare our hearts and minds to hear.

As a new year begins, schedule time to be with Jesus. Time to listen for the Holy Spirit’s words. To be open to the changes God wants to make in your life and ministry. Time not for your resolutions but for God’s revelations. We all need to make time to prepare our hearts and minds so we can hear what God has to say to us!