Intimacy with Jesus
Amid the pace and pressures of ministry has your personal intimacy with Jesus begun to wane? Regain your first love and keep your spiritual life alive and vibrant!
Living as “You” in Ministry
Has ministry robbed you of your personality and passions? Rediscover the person God created you to be – and live passionately as that person!
Wounds and Losses
Are the wounds and losses from your past weighing heavy on your life and ministry? The calling to ministry is a calling full of wounds and losses – let God heal and set you free!
Biblical Ministry
Is your ministry based on biblical principles? Sound like a silly question? Rediscover the truth about your calling and who you really serve.
Sabbath Rest
Do you enjoy the rich benefits of Sabbath rest? One of the secrets to a long, effective ministry lies in the biblical principle of Sabbath rest. Learn to come away with Jesus to a quiet place and get some rest!
Audience of One
Who is your audience? Really? Learn to hear the One Voice amid the many voices demanding your time and attention. Renew your ministry by taking time to “Be still and know that I am God.”
Meal times are filled with fun, laughter, and even deep conversations. Many of our guests say their time around the table was among the most meaningful parts of their week at SonScape. Breakfast will be made available for you to enjoy at your leisure. Lunches and dinners will be shared with the other three couples/singles in your retreat. Volunteer hosts will prepare our planned menu of delicious meals each day.
Sabbath Rest
Day 6 of your retreat is designated for Sabbath rest. As couples or singles you will enjoy a full day to experience the things discussed during the week – rest, silence and solitude, reflection, prayer, and play. The day will end with dinner together as a group followed by communion and worship.
Personal Times with Retreat Leaders
You will enjoy personal time with your retreat leaders during your week. They have a deep passion for ministry couples/singles and love to share personally with those who attend retreats. These sessions are safe, private and confidential – allowing you to talk through your personal issues. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and the Taylor Johnson Temperament Assessment are used during these sessions to help identify areas of need and concern.
Rest, Reflection, and Play
Opportunity for recreation and renewal will vary between retreat locations but wherever your retreat is held, there will be plenty of time for rest and play. Hiking, fishing, shopping, sightseeing, resting in a hammock, or relaxing in the hot tub – these are only a few of the things you can expect to enjoy during your week away.
What our guests look like after they’ve attended a retreat.
They’ve found their JOY again!