Want to help your pastor? Want to understand his/her world?
Everything you need is in this book by Larry Magnuson and Jimmy Dodd.
Available here.
Radio Interviews with Larry Magnuson
on WBCL-FM and Faith Radio:
What Christian leaders are saying about this resource:
Rob McCleland, President of John Maxwell Leadership Foundation
“The intersection of faith and leadership is a dangerous place! Our pastors live where kingdoms collide, and all too often they are on a solo journey. After reading Pastors Are People Too, I’m now resourced and prepared to be a better layperson, a better supporter, and a much better friend. I believe God is pleased with that.”
John Ashmen, President of Association of Gospel Rescue Missions
“Calling all sheep! You have worn your shepherds ragged and it has to stop – for their sakes and for yours. Please, please, peruse this very engaging, very important book from my friends Jimmy Dodd and Larry Magnuson. If you read it, it will help you understand your pastors and ministry leaders and what they go through every single day; if you take their words to heart, it will enable you to protect your shepherd’s best interests, protract their ministry tenures, and produce even healthier and more active flocks.”
Dr. Michael Lewis, Executive Director of Pastoral Care and Development for North American Mission Board
“This book is a must read for pastors and church leaders. Very few know the pressures a pastor and his family face, but Larry Magnuson goes below the surface understanding to address the pressures facing ministry families. Out of his two decades of support of ministry couples through SonScape Retreats, he speaks from a deep well of experience and compassion for pastors.”
Kevin Palau, President of Luis Palau Association and author of Unlikely
“Pastor Jimmy has written a beautifully simple and practical book that addresses the often-overlooked ministry of providing pastoral care for our pastors. I believe that healthy churches depend on healthy leaders who are loved and supported by their communities. This ultimately leads to a beautiful expression of the gospel in our cities all around the world. Thank you, Jimmy, for such an important work!”
Wade Mobley Pastor, President of the Free Lutheran Schools, and Dean of the Association Free Lutheran Theological Seminary
“This book is designed to help church members help their pastor. Pastors are people too. The title is true. But not everybody wants to see it that way. Many pastors and their families feel isolated and cut off – both personally and ministerially – from the very supports and nourishment they give to their congregations. Asking for help is seen by too many as a sign of weakness, so those who need counseling the most avoid it. Jimmy and Larry offer a principled approach to congregational health that starts with the health of congregational leaders, especially the pastor and his family. The chapter on the wife of a pastor is worth the price of the book alone, as well as the chapter on pastors’ kids. This book flows out of decades of ministry to pastors and their families and is valuable for developing congregational leadership, pastors continuing their education, and training of future pastors.”