Instructions for Instruments

For 2020 Registered Guests of Domestic SonScape Retreats

Jeanne and I have the privilege of leading the retreat that you will be attending in the coming days. We are looking forward to meeting you and are excited to see how this retreat will empower you to be more effective in ministry.

At the retreat we will get an opportunity to discuss personality type during group sessions. You will also get personalized times with us to focus on your own personal growth and any action steps you would like to take based on your assessments.

Before you attend the retreat, we need you to fill out 3 Assessments. These assessments will provide us some information about you, your personality type, and your temperament (emotional and mental health) along with your spouse’s temperament (if you are married). Completing these assessments in advance will help us be more effective in serving you. Be assured that we will keep your assessment and results completely confidential.

Once you have completed all 3 Steps below, you are finished with your preparation. We look forward to serving you!

Bob and Jeanne Blahnik
Your SonScape Retreat Leaders

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact

Here are the steps for you (and your spouse) to prepare for the retreat:

Step 1: GTKY

Step 1: Getting To Know You
Basic Information about yourself 
(10-15 mins)
Click “Go” to begin.

Step 2: MBTI

Step 2: Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)  

We will provide you with your results during your retreat.
MBTI Assessment (30-40 mins)
• Select Language.
• Every individual must create a personal login account for yourself and use it to complete your personal assessment. Spouses cannot share an email ID to register.

• Do not think too long about any one question. There are no right or wrong answers.
• If you do not complete the MBTI assessment in one sitting, click SAVE & CONTINUE LATER. This will save you time if you plan to resume taking the assessment later.
• Click BEGIN.
You will be asked to provide some personal information.
(Note: Only first name and last name are required; all other demographic information is optional.)
• Click SUBMIT when finished.
• After completing the assessment, click DONE/SUBMIT.
• You know your assessment has been submitted successfully if you see a message stating, “You have completed and submitted your assessment, and your facilitator has been notified.” 

Step 3: TJTA

Step 3: Taylor-Johnson Temperament Analysis (T-JTA)
We will provide you with your results during your retreat.
T-JTA Assessment (20-30 mins)
• Select Language
• Counselor’s Last Name: Armstrong
• Scoring Access Number: 36842
• If you are single, you will need to take the assessment on how you see yourself. (SELF)
If you are married, you will take the assessment twice: The first time, you will select “Self” and provide answers on how you see yourself, then you will go back to the main page and do it a second time. The second time you will select “Another” and answer how you see your spouse. To provide answers on how you see your spouse, enter YOUR relationship to that person “I am their (husband/wife).”
• Partial assessments cannot be saved; however, you can complete your test and return later to complete the test describing your spouse.
Do not think too long about any one question. There are no right or wrong answers.
• Avoid MID responses when possible (a test with 15 or more mids will result in having to re-take the test).
• Remember to take the T-JTA assessment twice – if you are married (twice per spouse).
IMPORTANT : Note down your Test Numbers for each assessment (record 4 numbers per couple, 1 per single).