How is SonScape Retreats different than other retreats?
How is this different than a personal retreat where we can just get away by ourselves?
Can't I learn the same things at a pastors' conference or through a good book?
Is this a safe place to process personal struggles that I can't share with those in my ministry setting?
How do we know if you can address the types of issues we have?
We need to work on our relationship. Is this the right place for us?
Why is SonScape seven days long when most retreats are much shorter?
Who can come to a retreat?
Is SonScape only for pastors and their spouses?
- Pastors include senior, lead, associate, church planters, denominational leaders, youth/children/worship/other designation.
- Missionaries, both national and international, working for denominations and independent organizations.
- Para-church leaders working in a wide range of Christian ministries or organizations.
I am a female pastor who is married. Will my husband also feel supported in his role as a spouse of a pastor?
I am a single individual in ministry. Is SonScape only for couples?
Can we bring our children to the retreat?
How do I register for a retreat?
How do I register for a retreat?
We get inquiries everyday about our retreats and many dates fill up quickly, so don’t delay! Remember, each retreat is limited to four couples/singles in total. Please follow these steps to book your retreat:
- Visit our Retreat Info page to learn about our retreats.
- Our Registration page provides you info and links to check availability of locations and dates.
- If you have any questions, visit our Contact page for options to get in touch with our Retreat Coordinator.
- You can either call Becky VanHook, our retreat coordinator, at 888.766.7227 or use our registration system to secure your spot with a $1,000 deposit.
All payments can be made within our registration system or by check mailed to:
SonScape Retreats
PO Box 700
Divide, CO 80814
What's included in a retreat?
Our retreats are all-inclusive:
- Private, fully-furnished accommodations
- Full retreat program with materials and individual sessions
- Delicious meals served family style prepared by a volunteer couple
- Prayer walk in Colorado
- Numerous recreational activities at all sites
- Plus, one year of personalized follow-up with your retreat leaders
(Transportation costs or arrangements are not included.)
When do you hold retreats?
SonScape retreats are held year round in Colorado and on a limited basis in New York and Texas. Visit our Registration page to access our registration system to browse dates and locations.
How much does a retreat cost?
$2,995 per couple (if married) or single (if unmarried)
A non-refundable deposit of $1,000 is required to secure your registration.
Can I get a scholarship?
If SonScape is not tied to any denomination, can you tell me about your beliefs?
Our Vision Statement
Our Mission Statement
Our Core Values
Because intimacy with Christ is key for Christians, SonScape emphasizes and grows that intimacy among those SonScape serves.
Because God’s kingdom is wide and deep, SonScape Retreats cares for Christian leaders and helps them deepen relationships including those with Christ, spouse and family, the people they serve, as well as with other leaders and ministries.
Spiritual Retreats
Because we believe that God has blessed the SonScape retreat model, we believe that retreats should remain our primary means of fulfilling our Mission. Other means that help fulfill our Mission, but do not diminish our ability to serve through retreats, are considered.
Because equipping, rest, renewal and life change take time, SonScape offers weeklong retreats of differing types, including at least a year of follow-up, all focused on intimacy with Christ, life change, burnout prevention and disciplines for proactive self care.
Retreat Leaders
Because Christian leaders bear unique burdens, the couples leading SonScape Retreats have decades of experience serving in churches and/or Christian ministries.
Valuing Guests
Because God has extravagant love for the men and women served by SonScape, we strive to value their God-given dignity, uniqueness, and the sacredness of their calling. We seek to show that value, in part, by providing top quality facilities and meals.
Because hospitality is one way of showing that value, SonScape provides quality facilities and hospitality.
Because trust is a prerequisite for healing and transformational growth, SonScape maintains a safe environment where leaders can share honestly in a context of privacy and confidentiality.
Statement of Faith
- We believe the Holy Scriptures as contained in the Old and New Testament to be the inspired and the only authoritative Word of God sufficient for both faith and practice.
- We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, maker of Heaven and earth and all things visible and invisible, eternally existent. We believe in the three persons Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
- We believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, our Lord, conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, in His sinless life, His miracles, and in His vicarious and atoning death on the cross through His shed blood, and in His bodily resurrection and His ascension to the right hand of God, the Father, and in His return in power and grace.
- We believe in the salvation of lost and sinful humanity through the work of regeneration by the Holy Spirit through which those who are saved will be resurrected into eternal life, and those who are lost into eternal separation.
- We believe in the Holy Spirit as the Divine Presence in our lives, whereby we are kept in perpetual remembrance of the truth of Christ. Therefore, we are enabled to live a Godly life and find strength and help in times of need.
- We believe in the Church universal and in the local church as the fellowship for worship and service of all who are united to the Living Lord.
- We embrace as Christian brothers and sisters all who hold to the above tenets of the Christian faith regardless of denominational affiliation.