Our 40-Year Journey

by Larry Magnuson | President Emeritus


:: A few weeks ago, Giles Armstrong asked if I would write the lead article for this Fall Update. I was more than willing as Giles and Angel are currently away enjoying a much deserved and much needed sabbatical. ::


Bob and Sandy Sewell

As I reflected on our 40th anniversary year, I was overwhelmed with memories. Some of them were painful…most were amazing times of God’s incredible provision and guidance. I think back to Bob and Sandy Sewell who were themselves coming out of a time of crisis sitting at Marble Retreat under the care of Louis and Melissa McBurney. It was there God laid a vision for SonScape Retreats on the heart of Sandy and, in time, on Bob’s heart as well. Believe it or not, the original plan was a camping ministry with couples staying in tents. Fortunately that passed by the wayside quickly and the ministry found itself in the town of Pagosa Springs, Colorado (Healing Waters).

Pagosa Springs, Colorado

Bob and Sandy wrote the curriculum, raised the necessary funding, recruited attendees, and prepared the rental facilities with the help of the original board of directors and a wonderful volunteer couple lovingly called Granny and Grumpy Flowers. The first few years the ministry held only four or five retreats each summer. Barbara and I attended one of those first retreats in our own crisis and God met us and restored our wounded hearts. And so it was with many who came – lives changed, marriages renewed, and passion for ministry restored. And the word about SonScape Retreats spread!


In 1995 God made it clear He had a new location for the growing ministry. A house went up for sale with 18 acres of land near Woodland Park, Colorado. The original homeowners had no idea God was guiding as they designed the house. When it went on the market, our board members/realtors, Steve and Sharon Roshek, knew it was to be the home of SonScape Retreats. Sandy Sewell, along with the help of others, designed the four guest suites. For almost 30 years, couples and singles have raved about those comfortable, spirit-filled suites that helped unlock wounded, broken, even despairing hearts and minds to the life-changing touch of God. 


Current Retreat Center | Divide, Colorado


Current Guest Suites | Divide, Colorado


In the fall of 1998, while hosting a retreat, God clearly called Barbara to the ministry of SonScape. Like Bob 15 years before, it took me a while to hear God’s call. Fortunately both Bob and I have had wise, godly, and patient wives. When I agreed to come, I made it clear to the Lord I would do anything He asked – except to raise funds! In June of 2000, Bob and Sandy began passing the reins of leadership to Barbara and me and we spent the next 20 years leading retreats and FUNDRAISING! What I learned was, when the ministry belongs to the Lord, He provides for the needs. SonScape has had remarkable people on the staff across the years but equally so He has brought amazing ministry partners alongside who have prayed, served, and supported this ministry.


Larry and Barbara Magnuson with Bob and Sandy Sewell


Today SonScape has an incredible staff, a steady flow of Christian leaders in need of healing both here in the U.S. and in places around the world, and a remarkable family of ministry partners who volunteer as needed with hearts of gold. Lives continue to be changed because they have experienced renewed encounters with our Savior. The stories go on and on across the 40 years. The need for a place like SonScape Retreats is greater than ever and the ministry continues to thrive under the leadership of Giles and Angel Armstrong, an amazing staff, and a deeply committed board of directors.


Giles and Angel Armstrong with Larry and Barbara Magnuson


The journey has not been without challenges, doubts, and even pain, but God has guided every step of the way. It has been an amazing 40-year journey and I am confident that SonScape’s vital ministry has just begun!


Our amazing leaders and staff over the years:


Bob and Sandy Sewell
Founders/Retreat Leaders 

Roy and Margaret Fitzwater

Connie Paul
Administration/Retreat Coordinator

Josh Friesema

Larry and Barbara Magnuson
President/Retreat Leaders

Perry and Jeanien Meyer

Bob and Jeanne Blahnik
Retreat Leaders

Al Cooper
VP of Development

Vicki Ceass
Retreat Coordinator

Mike and Sandy Schafer
Retreat Leaders

Greg and Connie Kennedy
Retreat Leaders

Ray Zuercher

Rob and Shini Abraham
International/Retreat Leaders

Rob Lauer

Becky VanHook
Retreat Coordinator/Host Oversight

John and Becci Wood
Retreat Leaders

Ken and Sandy Moore
Retreat Leaders

Félix and Yury Llanes
International Retreat Leaders

Hernán and Mariela Arango
International Retreat Leaders

Julio and Emily Peña
Administration/Retreat Leaders

Giles and Angel Armstrong
President/Retreat Leaders



The SonScape Experience

by SonScape Alumni

Brian Bontrager

I came to SonScape realizing I needed some significant change in myself if I were to carry on in ministry. I was avoiding dealing with difficult issues of ministry, ignoring suppressed emotions, rushing through ministry life and not savoring the journey or the people in the journey. My wife and I loved that the retreat was with only three other couples as we all were able to share and encourage one another very openly. Our leaders ministered to my wife and I in such a beautiful anointing from the Lord. They ministered with the wisdom of God and very practically as well. I’m returning home with new hope and renewed priorities that please the Lord and satisfy the deepest desires of my soul.


Chris Bontrager

I came with my husband to support him because I knew he needed this. Little did I realize how much I needed this too! We were pampered and loved on by the wonderful host and hostess, Lee and Becky. I learned a lot through the group teaching and enjoyed the interaction between the other three couples. Although the personal time we had with our retreat leaders started out as a little scary and intimidating, I instantly sensed the love and compassion from both Giles and Angel. What a blessing. This past week I have cried, I have laughed. I’ve had beautiful quiet times with the Lord, and I’ve worshipped Him with my whole heart afresh and anew. I’ve been stretched. I’m so thankful we came! I’m leaving with anticipation and excitement. Plus, I’ve gained 10 new beautiful brothers and sisters in Christ!



Meeting Félix Llanes

One of our International Retreat Leaders


Magnusons and Abrahams with Félix Llanes

On Friday, August 23, a few of the SonScape staff had the pleasure of meeting with Félix Llanes of our South American team. We spent more than two hours listening to Félix’s personal story as well as an update on the Spanish-speaking work in South and Central America. All who attended were inspired by what was shared. Truly God has brought together an amazing group of people, both domestically as well as internationally, to lead our retreats and care for ministry couples in need of healing and renewal. Rob and Shini Abraham, our international ministry leaders, have done an incredible job in initiating our South American retreats and training our retreat leaders serving there.

Please pray for our international staff as they work to expand retreats in several new locations. The obstacles they face far exceed what we encounter in our domestic retreats. Obstacles include retreat locations, travel, food, language and, perhaps most of all, the extreme circumstances attendees face in their ministries.

It was a wonderful day and only the beginning of an ever expanding staff reaching out to ministry couples and singles around the world. God has accomplished so much in the past decade and our international work has only begun.



Praying for Giles and Angel


Pray for Giles and Angel Armstrong as they enjoy the last several weeks of their much needed and much deserved sabbatical. SonScape has been blessed with an amazing, capable, and committed couple to lead the ministry. As you can see with these few pictures, they are starting out their sabbatical by enjoying time together playing, resting, and experiencing renewal. We, as a staff, are praying they return ready to lead SonScape into the next 40 years of ministry. Please join us in prayer!

A message from Giles:

Thank you for praying for Angel and I on our sabbatical. We are a third of the way through. The first third was an amazing time of disconnect and play. We rode 5000 miles on our motorcycles through the Northwest. Pray for us as we enter a time of rest and seeking the Lord followed by some connection with family in England. We are so thankful for our amazing staff that continue to serve pastors and missionaries while we’re gone.



Pastor Appreciation Month


October is Pastor Appreciation Month. Please take the time to let your pastor know that you understand the tremendous burdens and responsibilities they carry. Express your gratitude on behalf of your family and the entire church for the sacrifices and love your pastor gives week after week, year after year. Write a personal note, give a gift card, take your pastor and their spouse to lunch . . . somehow express your personal appreciation. Simple things can often have a profound impact! For additional ideas, check out pastorapprecation.org.