by Corrie Johnson
SonScape has been a place and week of rest, renewed passion for Jesus, and renewed vision for ministry. As a mom of 4 kids and the wife of a youth pastor, I knew I was tired but was unsure of how to fix that. At first the idea of leaving my kids and traveling so far seemed overwhelming. But now I can see the value of having this time spent with Jesus and my husband. Our kids will benefit from our time of refreshment.
My husband has struggled for a long time with how his personality, giftings, and callings fit (or didn’t) with his job expectations. What a gift to have a week to dream, discuss, and plan for changes in our future in the midst of my busy life of mommyhood and ministry.
I had forgotten the importance of time spent in stillness and silence with Jesus. What a gift to have a week to practice those disciplines and rediscover their value in my life.
I resisted the pampering and total care that SonScape provides, but I began to see those things as a reflection of the lavish love that Jesus pours out on His beloved children.
As I re-enter the world of dishes and dirty diapers, I want to hold on to the knowledge and comforting feeling of Jesus caring deeply and richly for all my needs – physical, spiritual, emotional, and relational. I am so thankful for the ministry of SonScape.