by Antenor Goncalves
SonScape to me became like a holy ground where you take your sandals off to listen to God as he speaks to you about a next phase and call in your ministry. At SonScape, you are invited to take off your masks and look inside yourself to see who you really are, how God wired you to do ministry and relate to people and God himself. SonScape is for the tired, overburdened, broken, dysfunctional, and the dreamer. They all have in common the need of intimacy with God and the correction of their course in life. At SonScape, I left assured that God cares, leads, and loves me unconditionally to become everything he intends me to become. Thank you my dear friends, Larry and Barbara!
by Phyllis Goncalves
I came to SonScape needing rest, renewal, and time to think through some challenges in my life, and time to start charting my future in ministry. Our leaders, Larry and Barbara, were great facilitators! We had good interaction with the other couples but at the same time had plenty of freedom to be alone, with others, in our room, or out getting to take in Colorado’s beauty! It was great to have time to talk privately with the leaders. The “input” sessions were both informational and challenging. I highly recommend SonScape and have started my list of friends to encourage to come for this special time of rest and renewal.