by Barbara Magnuson

All of us, I believe, remember periods in our life that stand out as being more difficult, painful, maybe full of tribulations or loss or hardships. Right now I am experiencing one of those periods. Within the last 14 months, my brother-in-law, my dad, and most recently my mom have all died. These were three remarkable people who deeply impacted my life and I am missing them greatly. Loss and grieving have become a much bigger part of my understanding. This is a new stage for me. Besides the loss of loved ones, there have been other hardships and pain and tough times as well.  

We  know that God’s faithfulness doesn’t guarantee an easy journey through life. But we also know that because of His sovereignty and wisdom and love, He promises that the tough times are not wasted. I am so grateful that some of the most painful times in my life have been used by God for my good.

I  believe the Lord allows us to experience rough times so we can learn deeper the heart of God.  

My perspective is changing. I see life differently than I did 15 months ago. Life is a journey of transitions which will conclude when we are called home to be with our Lord.

The problem with perspective is that it can be right or wrong, or it can be true or false. As we view life today, are we seeing it as it really is or has something warped our perspective? Time alone with Jesus, time in His word, time talking to a trusted friend or confidant – these are key to unlocking the truth of our perspective.  

When life is going along well, we assume our perspective is right; then when a crisis comes, our world is shaken and we are forced to examine the perspective that we have held. This is often what happens when couples come away to a SonScape retreat where there is time and space, new thoughts and interactions. Perspectives are often challenged or even changed. Before 15 months ago, my perspective was that life was a journey reaching far into the future. I now realize that every day is a gift, every relationship a treasure, every opportunity a possibility. Because I am realizing my time is shorter than I think, I am working to see all of life as a thorn bush full of beautiful roses that need to be enjoyed.